Sunday, April 19, 2009

For my birthday, I'm withering in the desert.

The heat is worse today.
I am not who I was yesterday. I lived through a moment of such pure awesomeness that I wept. Sir Paul, after an amazing set (that included Beatles songs and fireworks), sang that one song about how it is your birthday today. It was past midnight, and I realized that it was indeed my birthday. He played for another half hour because of the two encores.

We tried to leave at around 1:30 but the line was held up by everyone else leaving. So Chris proposed a nap in the parking lot. None of us woke up until 3:30. After tentative moments of getting lost in the desert, we reached the hotel. The wandering in the desert made me grumpy and restless. I didn't sleep well.

We didn't become mobile until 10. Even then, a lot of lounging around was done. Chris pointed out that Coachella is the chilled-out festival because if you didn't relax you would explode in the sun from all that internal and external heat. I agreed.

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Posted via email from Penny For Your Thoughts

1 comment:

  1. for my birthday,
    i hope i would be happy and greatful.

    it's hot today.
    as if God is going to melt us all as the second coming since He promised not to flood the world with the rainbow after Noah.

    Except I don't know anyone who's called to build a God Heat resistant cage/boat/whateverelse-you-can-live-through-this-heat-in.
