Thursday, May 21, 2009

a supremely bourgeoise post.

in other news, i went back and watched a bunch of the daily show and the colbert report that i missed, and saw McCain's daughter, Meghan McCain, on the colbert report. and she's AWESOME! she's intelligent, articulate, pro-sex ed, pro-life, pro-gay marriage. she's still a die-hard republican and will tell you as such, and perfectly able to explain to the liberal heathens why she believes in gun ownership and legalizing gay marriage. this is the kind of voice the GOP needs to get anyone to believe in them again, instead of becoming more extreme and self-righteous. there are hundreds and thousands of college age "liberals" who are only socially liberal but fundamentally believes in capitalism and smaller governments. they can't come out and say it because: 1. GOP looks like a bunch of fucktards, 2. we got into the habit of simplifying people to caricatures.

i went to where she blogs, at, which is a news aggregator like the HuffPo, and it's awesome. there are some whack columnists there, sure (someone argued that the american idol results were a reflection of red state resurgence and that the blue states somehow failed their flambouyant guyliner contestant. newsflash! liberals don't watch american idol and aren't unanimously into gay rockstars! ) but otherwise the place looks clean-cut and informative. i went to HuffPo later, though, and still prefers it. watch this:

glenn beck NAILED by awesome older dames.

lying sack of shit.

and so i've decided: i'm going to refrain commenting on policies and issues i don't know anything about, and will use the summer to diligently become a part of the modern media-consuming intelligentsia.

Posted via web from Penny For Your Thoughts

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'm terrible alone. It's just VICES.

I bought Popsicles today. And it is awesome. And terrible. I must have had three of them in one sitting. Although, in my defense, there were two separate kinds and I had two of one (different flavors!) and one of the other type. I'm too lazy to explain, it's just made of awesome. So I had a lot of awesome.

And then i had ice cream. holy shit. i love ice cream. i had quite a bit. and then i watched How I Met Your Mother...for three hours. Come on, guys, it's HIMYM! It's okay. Isn't it? And i realized this about myself: I indulge in things when i'm alone. Like, really immerse myself. And the whole time i was eating the popsicle it was either watch TV or call somebody. As long as I'm distracted. And that's sad, really, it's terrible. Arg. I can't deal with being by myself. I'm totally spoiled. It's like i was inundated with company for five months and now i can't deal with being by myself. OR, i was always like this and just didn't notice. Explains a lot, really, if you think about it.

And even now, even now, I'm looking forward to kicking back with some cool cats tomorrow night, even if it means i have to spend the entire day cleaning the apartment. That's how much i adore you kids.

p.s. this post was mainly, mainly, for you to see what a glutton i am. and i did not make jagerbombs. i was tempted tho. TMRW NGHT BITCHES.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Live blogging from Jimmy's!

So Justin wants me to blog DAILY, which is fucking stressful. We chilled at Jimmy's place last night, which was good. Had a little trouble with the wine cork, but it turned out alright.

We talked about a lot of things. Some whackbullshit about stray hand sanitizer (that apparently reminds these guys of other stray liquids), some confessions, some reflections. I shared that I feel like I have too much hate sometimes, towards people who really can't help themselves. They're the way they are, and I'm the way I am, and if we clash, we clash. Its nobody's fault, but people just bug me. Like that girl that name dropped to a professor about her uncle, who is a prof at UCLA in the same field. Really? You had to do that? Or that kid that, when asked what he did over spring break, said he composed music on his electric guitar? You for real, dude?

Ahh HATE. I'm doing it right now. I have to accept them. As Justin said "can you change them with hate, Melissa? You have to love them. " Which is unthinkable. How would one go about that? I guess I have to find things I have in common with them. I mean, I understand the urge to present myself as someone I'm not. I get it, I do. But I just feel like most of us (people I hang out with, anyway) got over that in hs or freshmen year. And beyond that, even if you are genuine, I still might not like you due to a number of things, that neither you nor I can change.

So really, really, what I want to say is, friendships are really made by magic. It depends one who you are at a point in time, and who I am at that same point in time, and whether those two versions of ourself match up. And its sad to think that I could have been, at some point in my personal timeline, your best friend, but because our timelines didn't match up, I could feel nothing but unreasonable contempt for you. Its also sad that in our timelines, we change and become different persons, and you may have been friends with me but we become different people, and I'm forced to watch the magic fade.

And you know what, I'm okay with that. What happens, happens, and if its not meant to be, its not meant to be. I'm perfectly fine with the people that I love right now, and those I've loved in the past, and those I will love in the future. If I don't like you now, so be it.

I wonder if that means I can go back to hating on some bitches.

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